

Teaching is one of the most interesting experiences that a person could ever have. I have had the chance to learn about different ages. But I have never taught in Universities and was challenging to teach in online environments. I decided to start with a friendly lesson, games, and a positive attitude from the beginning. Just at the ending of the class, I ask for their appreciation of the class. Their responses were positive. So I tried to keep the same structure, but I felt the topics of the online book were old-fashioned. Then I chose some themes and ask students for new ones. There were themes that I did not know what makes me study them previously and organize the best way to provide the lesson.

During the process, I was looking for new tools, approaches that were useful for the online sessions. I discovered that songs have several ways to use inside the online class instead of the traditional filling gap. The videos of real English (part of a movie or TV series) encourage them. Pre-listening activities are necessary for the lesson to fluent naturally. There are several web tools like Quizlet, Quizzes, or ppt that could gamify your sessions as much as possible. But the most important is to have a goal at the beginning of the lesson and construct your lesson step by step based on it. The teacher must also let them know it to students. The educator and learners can focus easier on the objective.
