Artefacts and evidence

A teaching journal

Teacher in training’s name:                       Oscar Fabian Palacios Osorio                                   

Language course:                                             Level III                            

Journal entry dates from                            March 4, 2021    to         May 6, 2021                 

The following chart gives an account of my performance along my pedagogical experience as a teacher in training in online environments with date entries, link of the recorded videos uploaded in One Drive, and my reflections in regards of my strengths, weaknesses, aspects to improve, feelings, observations, comments, etc.

A sample lesson plan that I enjoyed

I liked the lesson plan about collocations because students realized they use some expressions based on their mother tongue that is Spanish After that, they were aware of the native speakers had a particular way to combine words in English. Along with the session, there were a variety of activities like group work, exchanging ideas, casino competition, and online games. It was a difficult meeting because I had a low internet connection. Students expressed the topic had been meaningful though.

A sample lesson plan that was particularly difficult

I think one of the hardest lessons was the passive voice lesson. The topic is challenging because students need to know all the basic tenses, so I started searching for their prior knowledge about the basic tenses that was fantastic for them to remember some topics using the partners' contribution. Then I handed them out a model to use the passive voice structure, although it wasn't easy for me to plan it. Finally, they had to structure news using time markers that was complicated for them.  I had problems with my internet, as a result, I left the meeting two times and my speech was not clear because my voice was breaking up.

Lesson plan passive voice

The classes that were particularly meaningful to me 

Figurative language and connected speech were meaningful because I’m not good at guessing the context of figurative language, but I realized the students have a natural ability to figure this type of language. According to them because they see several TV series and American movies that ease them to understand it.

Figurative language recording

Connected speech recording


@Victor Restrepo. I'm a student of bachelor in a foreign language. My teacher for the speaking sessions was Oscar. He did a pretty good job, since the first day he did a great activity, making us participate in it. During the rest of the sessions, he teaches us a lot of different activities. It was a nice experience.

@LinzayTavera Good morning tutor, regarding your lessons in class, the truth is that I have learned a lot, I was able to learn about topics that I have not really seen, and I know that despite not being clear about it, I must practice it a little more.

@Karen Gil. I learn a lot of vocabulary about necessary things what we talk with native speakers and teacher Oscar is doing it very well. Personally, he has been the best teacher that I ever have in UNAD to learn English.

@Judith Londono. Thank you teacher for your feedback because it allows me to improve every day. I think that sometimes the nervousness didn't help me a lot during some meetings, specifically the tests, but it's a good opportunity to identify weak points in my performance.

@YuriMuñoz. thank you teacher I'm going to take your advice and I am going to keep practicing every day. Thanks, a teacher for your time  I really loved your classes and I feel that I learned a lot
